Saturday, February 7, 2009

10 Things I would do if I were President: #6 Modernizing our military

Since the Desert Storm Operation of the early 1990's our military has been infused with technology to a point that, despite having only the 6th largest Army, we are still considered to have the strongest military-across all branches-in the world (for reference we have the worlds largest navy and air forces but are considered to have only the worlds 3rd best spy network/intelligence). Merging technological advances with our military branches is what sets us apart from nation's such as India and China who could over run us with sheer numbers if necessary, but we don't go all the way with our technology. We have the ability, today, to outfit our military personal in ways that make individual soldiers nearly invincible. The utilization of robotics and suits of armor bio engineered to respond to a soldiers thoughts and needs are realities for our military and should be the focus of upgrading and modernizing our military. Thanks to technology we could have a small, very mobile, elite force of fighters who would only need to put themselves in danger in the most extreme of situations, and yet the technology is said to be too expensive to pursue with full funding. The idea that military technology is not fully funded (even more, the pay for service personal) disturbs me greatly. Given the current terrorist threats we face today, it has never been more relevant that we have a fast, efficient and dominant military force at our disposal, and yet we don't utilize all of the technology we have at our disposal. It seems that in the last decade, the upgrading of our military has been stagnant. We still use laser or gps guided missiles and other equipment that requires the use of propellents to fire a "missile" or "bullet" and our military seems to still be stuck in warfare strategies which involve the mass deployment of force in numbers, rather than force of intelligence and strategy (see GWB's tactics in Iraq for evidence of this). There is no reason why, in the 21st century, we still rely on such 19th and 20th century technologies and war time tactics to wage warfare. If I were president not only would I fully integrate every branch of our military with the most modern of technologies, I would also encourage a complete over haul of our strategies and tactics for each branch of our military. Additionally, I would ensure proper funding of all branches of our intelligence agencies and maintain their current status of cooperation so that we go from 3rd in the world in overall intelligence gathering to 1st. This can be dont, but it takes committment and will of the politicians to keep and maintain the worlds most feared military and intelligence operations.

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