Sunday, February 8, 2009

10 Things I would do if I were President: What I left out and why.

You may wonder why I left out things such as reforming immigration policy, eliminating and/or reforming Social Security, Welfare and Medicare, the war against Terrorism and perhaps even repealing the 17th Amendment to the Constitution (which is a large part of why the American Federal bureaucracy has gotten to the point is has)...I excluded immigration because, primarily, it is one of the things that makes America great. It is for good reason that the words on the Statue of Liberty say "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free". America has, and always will be, the land of opportunity and home of the brave, and people from other countries immigrating here is how we became the nation we are today. Our current immigration "crisis" focuses around only one country, Mexico, and its poor masses fleeing their country in the hope of a better future here. The problem is that they came here by the millions in the later half of the 20th and early 21st century and did nothing to acclimate themselves to becoming full American citizens. #9 on my list of things that I would do if I were to become President would go a long way to helping to curb this problem, but, more importantly, as a nation of leaders we should lead and help nations like Mexico better serve their populace and end corruption in those countries whose people seek to immigrate here illegally...As for reforming Social Security Security, Welfare and Medicare the Fair Tax and my other economic ideas cover these problems and would eliminate their collective burdens on our economy...The war against Terrorism is one we are likely to be fighting for the rest of America's existence as there will always be those who hate what America stands for and #'s 6, 7, and 8 would all involve strategies for dealing with this problem...Repealing the 17th Amendment would be a very good idea, but I believe the same thing could be accomplished under my proposal to eliminate lobbying in our nations capital (#10 of my list) and would be much easier to accomplish, I believe, than repealing the 17th Amendment (which would require 2/3rd's of our 50 states to agree on)...Don't be fooled that these 10 ideas are the only 10 ideas I would run on. I have many other things that I would would attempt to accomplish if I were president, but for now, I will keep it to just the 10 things I have posted here. Feel free to comment-especially if you disagree-and, hopefully, you will enjoy what I would do IF I were to ever run for President...RR

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