Saturday, June 28, 2008

Bring on the revolution.

If you have any awareness about you, you can see that we are living in a very interesting time in our history (by our I mean American). Oil prices are wrecking family budgets and leaving thousands of our 'old' collar work force unemployeed. The effect the price of oil is having on us are obvious and, for the most part open to everyone willing too use their eyes. Suddenly stauch republicans are throwing in the towel and going green and reaping the economic benefits. I am getting a feeling that there is a lot of social unrest from everyone-regardles of political ideogy. There seems to be much social unrest. No one seems to be happy, and money issues dominate more household discussions than did just a few short years ago. Everywhere-at least in my experiences where I live-people seem to be unhappy. It's not just the price of gas however, but America's economy in general seems to be going backwards as evident by a near 500 point selloff in the last 2 trading sessions of last week...It's many things...Left and right celebrities and sports athletes-Americans who are most recognized internationally-are making fools of themselves: getting caught drinking and driving; domestic violence; drug possession; and all in all just making us all look bad. Our nation's leaders fair no better. Corruption, back door dealing and lobbyist pandering seem at near epidemic proportions in our nations capitol. What little work they seem able to get done in D.C. tends to come out bad. Whether it's a natural disaster, immigration and border issues, the war in Iraq or soaring energy costs Congress and GWB seemed overwelmed. True, as of now, FEMA is handling the severe flooding in the upper midwest well, but you get the feeling that the wheels are about to fall off that wagon any second now. FEMA is now having to deal with the wild fires in the West and it's hurricane season to boot. With so much on it's proverbial plate FEMA is doomed to screw something up. And lets not get started with the idiocy of the Supreme Court decisions of recent weeks...Putting it mildly if there was ever a time for the masses to make their voice heard, to rise up and say "Enough is enough!"; To stand up and demand accountability from their political and entertainment leaders; To force Congress to think logically about alternative fuels and agressively pursue them; For American's everywhere to rediscover their heritage and what makes us the best nation on Earth-innovation, dedication, leadership, opportunity and the rights granted to us by the constitution, the things that make America great to call home...In sum, if ever the time was ripe for the revloution to start, now is perfect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

electric or something like is on the way...