Monday, November 3, 2008

The eve of election day

I've been intentionally avoiding posting on the election because it all just changes to much from day to day. One day this is coming out on Obama, the next its something on Palin; then its Biden, and on and on and on...Ugh, For as important as these national elections are, the supposed 'pundants' and talking heads sure have a knack for making it a tiresome process. Yes, it's been entertaining at times, but, because of the all attempts to discredit each respective candidate and their running mates, the process just becomes a hassle to many-myself included. But this year seems to be different. People are actually waking to the realization that this year's presidential election is one of the most important in our history and the man we elect as president this go around could very well make or break the next 50 years of our country. Unfortunately, as with most past presidential elections, this is another one where one has to feel like they are choosing between the lessor of 2 evils yet again. With McCain we will get little in the way of energy relief except for drilling for more and more oil domestically, which, to be honest, we need anyways, but it should be coupled with an even bigger push towards green energy creation. Under McCain we will also get at least another 3 years in Iraq and Afghanistan. Neither of which I like, but at least I know McCain wont rest until Bin Laden's head is on a stick for every American to piss on-which I happen to like. With Obama we will get soaring taxes, high unemployment and "fairness"....Yeah right. Obama's idea of fairness is socialism and income redistribution and that is socialism. The last time I checked, this was America and America is a Democratic Republic with a Capitalistic economic structure which provides the freedom for people to pursue any goal and go from the poor house to the penthouse via drive, determination and hard work. Socialism lets lazy people be lazy while the "evil rich" support them by paying all the taxes and having the Gov't pay it back to the people to secure the 'necessities' of life. I may not be 100% sure of who I'm going to vote for yet, but I know who I'm NOT going to for and it's not the guy who is running on socialistic principles.

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