Sunday, November 23, 2008

2.5 milliong jobs by 2011-Obama's challenge

I honestly wasn't very hopeful about having positive change when Obama became president elect, but, almost 3 weeks since his election, I'm sort of impressed. I've watched his cabinet selection closely and although I'm not totally shocked by any of them, they are a collection of people with a lot of impressive credentials in their respective fields. I don't like the idea of Skankzilla possibly being Secretary of State, but we can't overlook the Clinton's political clout-which they apparently have in quantity, but overall, his cabinet looks good. But, I was most impressed by the challenge he laid before his economic advisors literally the day after they were selected. Obama wants them to come up with a plan to "save and create 2.5 million jobs by 2011".
It's important to note the verbage on this. "Save and create". Those are big words. Obviously Obama wants the hemoraging of jobs to come to an end, but his challenge also includes creating millions of new jobs for the already unemployeed. There are 2 pretty obvious ways that Obama can do this. The first, is through big government. Big Govt=more govt jobs. The other is his supposed intention to provide big tax breaks and perhaps some subsidizing of the RDD of renewable energy for power and transportation needs. There are, of course, several other factors involved, but those are the main 2 paths he is too likely take. Being the obvious socialist that he is, I'm way afraid of how big Big Govt may get under Obama's presidency, but I'm am all for going Green. And if Obama gets the right advice, I'm really hoping that its for Obama decides to go more towards the subsidizing of an entire knew industry (which is one of a very few aspects to our Country that the Fed should be directly involved in) and go with investing in Green techs. For a society as large as America's, it takes a nations entire economic engine to make so huge a turnover in focus. And at this time, I believe most Americans-regardless of political affiliation-are feeling more "conservationist" about energy, transportation, and their related costs. Whether its about money or the planet, people seem to finally be "hip" about how important these things are to, not just themselves and their abilities to provide for a family, but their country and planet as well...I suppose we will find out soon enough what Obama's cabinet will recommend and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that they think the Green route is the way to go...On a related note, not to brag, but I actually have a way to accomplish this task-The ATN...Hmmm...Wonder if Obama's cabinet can come up with something better???

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