Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Another Obama speech full of lies

Today in Ohio, President Obama spoke on the economy with the purpose of improving our economy-an economy that he, his administration, and his political party, have failed miserably at helping despite literally printing money and throwing it at it hoping against all hope it would stick. And, like all good politicians, Mr. Obama got up in front of (what looked like) hundreds of people and told well spun tale of lies and almost truths, without actually giving any real, tangible solutions to our nations economic woes. No, instead, our president took the opportunity to point the finger of blame, and chastise the other party for all their mistakes-essentially, he did the same thing that he and his party accuse the other of doing right now. All the while he did this, he told a series of glaring lies, among them were that the Republicans, "who are responsible" for the economic mess we are in now, were "in power for 8 years" (they were in power for 6 under Bush, Dems had it the last 2), that he believes in a "small, efficient federal government", and that he believes that its the "entrepreneurs who are the backbone our economy". He told others among his string of well spoken political rhetoric, but these 3 stood out most too me.
Why? Because they are so obviously lies to anyone with a half a brain in their head.
Only the the ignorant, bottom feeding, kool aid drinking, easy to manipulate masses who lap up everything Obama says like thirsty dogs at the trough, believing what this man says is gospel everytime. Yes, it is mean to call so many people, such ridiculous names; but look at the proof of what this president has done since he has been in office: he has supported health care legislation that, by some estimates, will put hundreds of thousands out of work; force a rationing of health care for the elderly and definitely increase the size of the Federal bureaucracy by at least 10%; and he supports tax increases that are detrimental to business creation.
Despite all this and the obvious hypocrisy between what he says and what he does, millions of people are still willing to support him just because he speaks well at a podium.

Mr. Obama spoke at length, in this speech, about how believes we need to stop allowing jobs to be shipped over seas; about how we should be buying products made in America, by Americans, with our money-instead of products made over seas, but out of the same side of his mouth he says he stands against corporate tax breaks, which is where Obama shows his ignorance. Mr. Obama claims that he wants to create jobs in America, and that he wants companies to start producing and distributing the products we buy, then he must learn that the easist way to do that is-like it or not-through corporate tax breaks.
Mr. Obama claims to be for entreprenuralship, but seems to fail to realize that that means people have to go into business for themselves; which means that if he wants entreprenuralship to returen in mass to America, the best way is-cut taxes.
Mr. Obama claims to be worried about the size of our national deficit, and yet every bill he passes adds to it...

I will digress...My dislike for the our Presidents fiscal ideologies is well known to all those who know me, but there was one thing that Obama said that I did agree with: that it is the job of the government to do for people and business, what they can't do better for themselves.
There is just one problem with that statement though: in the almost 225 years we have been governed under the Constitution, governmental agencies have yet to prove that they can do anything better than private enterprise-except spend money.

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