Thursday, November 12, 2009

Congrats to Lou Dobbs

Lou Dobbs shocked America last night when he announced that he was leaving CNN because "it has become increasing clear that strong winds of change have become buffeting our country" and, apparently some high up people have convinced him to help construct solutions to these problems…

I have to admit-I'm impressed.

I was never a huge watcher of his show, but, whenever I did catch it, I was always impressed by his lack of partisanship and moderate attitude, while working for what could arguably be called one of the more Democratically and Liberal leaning news organizations of the last 20 years. Dobbs was always level headed and based his arguments firmly around the facts. That he was able to survive, from it's inception, at a news group which showed its bias on a regular basis is testament to a strength of character that I never knew he had-and if I did, I most certainly would have made the effort to watch more of his show.

In parting, Dobbs makes some rather interesting comments about "winds of change", and, though I hate putting intentional spins on things such as this, it makes you wonder what he see's as "winds of change" and what his idea's for bracing us against them. In his parting speech he makes specific mention of the partisanship in D.C., Global Warming/Climate Change, the war in Afghanistan and Health Care…I wish I could say that I had watched enough of his show to know where he stood on these issues, however, seeing the class he portrayed on his way out, and knowing his moderate nature on most issues, I can trust that Dobbs will be, at the very least, logical and reasonable in his approach to helping to seek solutions to these issues. As such, I will be watching closely to see what comes of this…

Till then, I raise my glass to you Lou: I didn't know you well, but, after seeing your parting words, I wish I did….

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