Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Why Santa Claus really exists

We've all grown up hearing about the fat man with the long white beard, wearing the red suit and giving out gifts and coal to good and bad little girls and boys the world over...But alas, we get older and learn that this jolly man, who, as children, we all cant wait for, is nothing more than a made up story to get us to behave as children...Personally, I've never stopped believing in Santa and I think he exists...Don't get me wront, I don't think a fat guy with a white beard, a fat suit and driving a sleigh pulled by 8 magical reindeer is breaking into homes all over the world on one day a year to give out gifts to people. What I do believe, however, is that you get what you have earned-which is what the story of Santa Claus is all about. Everyone remembers the story: if you are good in school, do your chores and do as your parents ask, you will be rewarded. This philosophy, in many ways, applies to real life: if you work hard, obey the law and dont live foolishly (including how you spend your money) then you will have the ability to get whatever you want. This isn't a mind blowing realization for most people, I'm sure, but how many of us forget this all important way in which we should lives our lives? Most, I would say, and forgetting about it starts-and ends-with the myth of Santa Claus. Why? Well that's simple. We are told this story in an effort to make us "behave" as children, but then, as we get older, we are told that Santa doesnt really exist and it was all "made up" so that we wouldn't be the little tyrants and vagrants most of us are as young kids. Destroying this myth while we are still young is what (I believe) starts us all on the paths of forgetting what it means to earn what we want. By destroying this myth at a young age, it teaches us that how we really act doesnt really matter because, for at least once a year you get whatever you want-whether you have earned it or not. It's sad-and pathetic-really that we should toss away so important a lesson so early in our lives. In doing so we start ourselves on the self destructive financial paths so many of us end up on as we grow older...Well, I for one believe in Santa-and the important lesson his story tries to teach us...Of course, this doenst mean I can't still be "bad" if I want too .

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