Friday, July 11, 2008

Fighting for "The Holy Land"

Since the birth of Christ over 2000 years ago the middle east (and the world for the matter) has fought countless wars over the same piece of land that today is occupied by much of Israel. All this fighting over a stretch of land that every one considers Holy Land is effing stupid. Think about it. Every major religion on the planet considers this same land "Holy", and yet, because of their own ignorance and arrogance they all claim it as their own, when in reality it is Holy land to EVERYONE...For all these years people have killed each other all in the name of their "God" in an effort to claim a piece of property that is of religious and spiritual importance to 90% of the people on the planet. I'm not here to give historical lessons, everyone who ascribes to any of the major religious beliefs on the planet knows what I am talking about. These countless wars and battles that have been waged for millenia have ruined civilization's, killed tens of millions and held back global societies and all of it in the "name of God". How freaking stupid. But what do we do to stop the violence now? How do we fix over 2000 years of war and disagreement over the same piece of land, which (ironically), is claimed for the same basic reasons by several different religions? Is there even a fix?...Unfortunately, I don't believe there is any fix to this problem short of every religion on the planet suddenly growing the fuck up and realizing that what they are all fighting for this land for the same reasons (yeah right, like that is going to happen). No, I don't think there is any fix to this problem...Well, perhaps there is one: enclose the entire land with a 50 foot wall and allow no one, and I mean no one, to live or work within its walls. Allow only religious and spiritual practice within this property under military protection so as to provide safe haven for all who wish to worship there. As extreme as this sounds, is there any other solution? Does anyone see a time-ANY time-when Israel, Jordan, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc. won't be willing to go to war with each other for this land which most of is currently within the borders of Israel? I, for one, never foresee a time when this region will be at peace so long as this land is inhabited by just one religious group or nation. There seems to be nothing but ignorance and arrogance surrounding it's ownership, which is the fundamental problem. If the U.N. had the balls to declare this land the "Global Holy Land" that it is, and force everyone out so that those who wish to worhip and pray there may, then this land could be the spiritual mecca that it is meant to be. If this were done, this region of the planet could be something for all human beings to be proud of-a place of religious and spiritual significance for all. Something that all of us could rally around and unite through. But unfortunately this is likely to never be the case. The U.N. and the USA seemingly have no desire to take the tough steps needed to truly make the world a better place through such drastic action-even though it's obviously warranted. No, I'm afraid that we are all doomed to watch the world continue to fight amongst itself for "their" holy land, all the while doing so "in the name of God"...How pathetically ironic.

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